lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Chapter 4,5,6 ,7,8 summary


Huck  only  fished and  hunted  with pap's  gun.  but  then he started  to get  bored  , he decided  to explore the  island  at  first  he saw nothing  but birds  and  a  snake  , he  started  following  the snake  and suddenly he  tripped  over  a  man who  lay  fast  asleep  on the  ground .
 the   boy  tuned  to run , but the  man sat  up and  huck saw his face  :  jim ,  he cried  out
Jim: please  don't hurt  me, i would never  harm a ghost ,  huck laughed , but i'm  not a ghost . was perfectly happy , he had friend with him .  Jim cried  huck ,  he  was  schocked  , it  was a crime for a  slave  to run  away  from his owner . , jim told huck his story .  i decided to go to the  free states  in the north   there  i can work and  earn enough money to buy  my family out  of  slavery  , i slipped  away one evening   when the widow was open , and  nobody else was in the  house .

In the meantime , jim and  huck passed the time as they pleased . sometimes  they lay back on the raft and watched  the stars . Often  they talked , sometime huck read  to jim out  of the books they  found in the floating  house . He  read to him about kings , and princes , and  dukes , and  how they wore beautiful clothes , and  called each other your Majesty , and  your  highness  and lived in palaces.  Huck told him  , that would  steal a  chicken  or some  vegetables  from a  plantation ,  once  when  he was  on one  of these adventures  Huck found a  snake  skin  .he picked it up to show it to jim.
jim was very worried , so huck threw  the  skin away . but the felt  a little  annoyed . 


huck bought a snake to accompany him in his trip , while he seal by the river in canoe , after across the way , it got fog. Jim and Huck  got lost of the way and they can't find , this  was imposible. The night passed  and in  the  course of the night they came to the island where jim was.  Huck wonted to do a  trick to jim, jim thought huck was  dead , because the canoa was smashed .Jim wakes up and  then he thinks was  dead , but   huck was alive and safe .
Huck hurt to jim because, Huck's very important to jim to his  life , jim cry  because he felt huck joke him , and Huck asked to jim a apologize .


Im and Huck to reach cairo, because jim there would be a free , huck starts to think that would accomplice. because helping a slave to escape was a bad idea, nevertheless, Jim thank to Huck , because none person treated him so well . There's another town , but It wasn't the city what we search ,but on his ways two men on a boat stopped him , the men asked , are there any men on that raft?. Huck saids , yes , there is a white man , the men asked , if we go see for ourselves . for verify if is truth . Huck pretends that Pap has smallpox the men amazing and decided not approach,the men gaves forty dollars , for that to leave from there.


they discovered something, they were far from cairo ,, too  ,,somebody stole their canoe while they were asleep. And  Huck  said , they  have the forty dollars  , they can buy another canoa . After  the night  clouds covered the moon and  the stars and it became  very dark., in the middle of the night  a steamboat  came up the river towards them  and it headeb straight for the  raft  .just before it hit them ,  huck  dive  off  one  side  of  the  raft  and  jim off  the  other .the  current  very strong  , Huck he couldn't  see jim  anywhere, was  he ashore  somewhere else , or  maybe  dead ? but  he  while he met a boy  about his age ,  the boy said :   that  has seen a black slave  around  ,  he's  about down at the phelps'  platation  , he is here . Huck  helps  a jim ,  immediately felt  better .

steamboat : buque de vapor 
suddenly :de repente
lay :poner
fast : talar
 fell: pertenecer
belong :pertenecer 
trick : truco
later  más tarde 
 owner : propietario
anyway : de todos  modos
evening :tarde 
nobody: don nadie 
cried  :grito 
caught :capturado 
blankets :mantas 
supplies :suministro
shelter: abrigo 
lantern : linterna 
soil: suelo 
 highness :altura 
 kings : reyes 
 horrified : horrorizado 
 brings  : trae 
threw: arrojo 
hardly : apenas 
getting : conseguir 
 raft : balsa 
behind : detrás 
paddled : remado
loudly : en voz alta 
shining : brillante 
towards : hacia 
stream : corriente 
branches : ramas
been :sido
meaning :significado 
stuff: cosas 
 rubbish : basuras 

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